What teenager's have to say!

In 15 weeks, I was able to let go of so many things & learn a lot.
I feel so strong & now I am able to stand up for myself. It gave me a lot of confidence, as I realised how much  I had grown personally on a mental & emotional level.

It helped me to Improve my grades & to deal with all kinds of situations happily.

I shall definitely tell you that one won’t get rid of all the negativity in your life, but with these life coaching sessions, I was able to deal with them in a positive way & learn the key to living my life.

I'm so grateful to you for being there for me whenever I needed you & so glad I got you as a life coach.
Thank you for everything you did for me."


 Dear Smita Ma'am,

To be honest, I am so grateful & blessed to have such an amazing life coach, who  guided me to the straight path. 

Thank you for believing in me & always encouraging me so that I be the best me. 

Ma'am, I can't thank you enough for the guidance you have given me & brought me back on track. 

Thank you for everything.

May God bless you & keep you smiling always! 


Dear Smita Aunty,
How fast 15 weeks went away, I didn’t realise. 

Initially I was scared when I started the sessions, what would happen in the sessions with you.
I just didn’t realise how slowly slowly changes happened in my behaviours.  

I know myself better now. 
I am loving my family more & more. 

I wanted to thank my dad, but couldn’t express my feelings to him. Smita Aunty, you gave me the strength to write a letter expressing my feelings of gratitude to my father & I gave it to him on Father’s day . He cried reading the letter. I felt really happy.

Whenever Smita Aunty, you say “I am proud of you”,  I feel very motivated. 

I don’t know how long our coaching sessions will go on, but I am 100% sure, you will always be there with me. Thank you for everything, Smita Aunty. 


In the Group coaching ssessions,

I wanted to learn - "what is important and necessary to be a teenager" and "how should I improve myself and overcome my problems."

Honestly, I developed so much in these past 5 weeks.

I learnt many things like about myself & my personality.
In what way & how I develop it. My fear & nervousness were completely wiped out. 

Now, I can do anything without fear and with full confidence.

I was having fun during the session like all my tasks and problems were kept aside and I was living without worries.  


    Ma'am, thank you for being my support.

    Thank you for being there to guide, motivate & encourage me.

    Thank you for your never ending trust & faith in me.
    I am grateful to have a mentor like you. 

    Young Adult

    Dear Smita Aunty,

    Thank you for changing my life.

    You helped me to find me passions of cooking & football & pursue them, rather than blindly giving IIT-JEE exams, even when I didnt like it much. 

    I am happy that now I 
    am pursuing my passion of cooking as my career as a chef. 

    I get up early & go for football training. 

    Rest of the day, I enjoy studying, college & spending time with my family & friends .

    Thank you for guiding me to create that balance between study & play. 



    "Just to have fun and to find myself", that's why I joined the magical teens group coaching program.

    In just 5 weeks, 

    I got to know my strengths. How to improve myself as a person. I learnt how to love myself. To accept myself for who I am without putting too many expectations on myself.

    These sessions are exactly what I wanted it to be.

    It's a very chill experience !!


      I can differentiate between what’s important for me & when e.g study & play.
      I ask my parents for opinion & take right decisions.

      I used to be angry all the time & would shout a lot. My anger has reduced & now I talk calmly. 

      My relationship with my family especially my grandmother has improved a lot. 
      I listen to my mom patiently & now don’t back answer her.

      The daily Gratitude exercise which I learnt with Smita ma’am, helped me become more patient & appreciate everyone. 

      I feel more positive & happy every day. 


      Let's hear from the Parents!

      Dear Dr. Smita,

      I am pleased to meet you at the right time. I was looking for someone to counsel my daughter, when she was going through a patch, when she was confused on how to go ahead with her study plan& goal in life.

      We, her parents are very happy, the way you made her realise her strengths & weakness.

      Your guidance during her exam time made her come back to where she stood. Today she is confident & studying back hard to reach her goal.

      We would like to have your support & guidance for her till she wants & I am sure you too will her... Thank you.


      I have a daughter who was in 9th std. my dearest darling who was a mummy's daughter suddenly changed.
      All my likes & advices became her dislikes. All her likes were my nightmares. I was feeling lost, what was this happening. I lost my pride as a good mother. I am also mother of a teenage son, but there was no such issues. 

      Here came Smita, my dear friend. After talking to her, she started her coaching.
      In few weeks, changes appeared. She became more calm, less mood swings, more over she talking to me about herself. 

      At the same time, Smita had a session with my husband & me, I learnt where we were going wrong or to say how to handle few situations. 

      After seeing our daughter more disciplined, more acceptable to other’s feelings, we decided to continue for 15 weeks coaching with Smita. She looks forward to talking to smita. 

      Smita has been an invisible bridge between my daughter & me. 

      I shall surely say this, “She is the best life coach for teenage children.”

      Dr. Sonali 

      Dr. Smita,
      We are extremely grateful to you for helping us dealing with our teenage child. 

      You have not only been good guide/ counsellor for our child but a good friend who shows the right path in the journey called life. 

      You have even helped us, during parent’s sessions, to navigate between teenage child’s demands/ tantrums and our expectations from the child.
      We liked your goal based counselling, record keeping of all the events happening to track the growth of the child and most importantly you candid approach while dealing with any problem.
      In fact we are so happy with your personalized sessions that we are pleased to repeat the same for another 15 weeks.
      Thanks a lot for being with us during difficult times.

      Praveen  & Amita

      Dear Smita,

      I feel now as an extremely happy & satisfied parent who has seen my daughter getting literally transformed from an unruly pre teen to a disciplined ward.

      She's started to mature, is managing time in a better way & getting more &  more disciplined by the day..

      She's shown a lot of improvement over  how she deals with situations & people....calm, not edgy or impulsive,  knowing very well where to draw the line.
      Most importantly she's learnt to identify her mistake & apologise.

      I thank you so much for the efforts you have put into with my daughter's life...

      Dr. Madhuri 

      Dear Smita,

      Krishna is truely enjoying what he has selected as a career choice.

      Also his focus towards football & fitness is just making him happy.

      He seems to be sorted by the end of thsi year, which is a great relief for us as a parent.

      Thank you so much for supporting us in this difficult times. 

      Dr. Deepali 

      We are parents of a 13 year old.

      We heard about the concept of life coach for teenagers from our family friends. and that it would help to solve some problems of adolescent age.

      Our daughter had issues regarding studies & behavioural problems with her younger sister.

      After 5 weeks of coaching sessions, we found drastic changes in her regarding the above issues.
      She started doing her studies on her own.
       She also changed her attitude towards her sister.
      She started taking things lightly for which she used to get agitated previously.

      As per Smita madam's committment, she took regular weekly coaching sessions & our daughter too enjoyed the sessions.

      Rating for Smita madam's sessions is 

      5*/ 5 *

      Dr. Prashant & Dr. Smita 

      Dear Smita,
      She has got good guidance & motivation on how to achieve the required goals.

      By overcomimg the negativities inside her & by building confidence, it shows growth in her level of self-esteem

      She is showing improvement in areas where she actually required it, especially self growth, body image, health & many aspects of her character & attitude.

      I am really thankful to you for the exceptional mentoring you have given to her.

      She really enjoyed your sessions & has given excellent feedback about it. 

      I feel really happy & indebted to you for life for bringing back her smile. 

      Thank you very much. 


      We decided to take the coaching sessions for our 18 year old son as were totally helpless to manage his anger and  disobedience.

      The main issues or concerns we had when we started coaching sessions with Dr. smita were our son's Disrespect and disobedience towards family & his friends were first priority.

      After 6 weeks, yes, there were lots of changes in every aspect of his lifestyle.

      Few of the changes seen were - our son trying to connect to family,  had better family time, was in mood to listen others aspects of discussion.

      After 15 weeks of coaching sessions, he is better person as whole, better understanding, manners, and respect.

      The areas of life we did see the changes in him  -- his anger is reduced,  more attached to family,  friends priority has changed, more focused on studies and future plans.

       As parents, we are happy with the improvements  in his behaviour and approach towards life .
      We are  happy with your coaching sessions,  as outcomes are satisfactory.

      Overall we rate our experience with the coaching sessions as 4.5* / 5*

      We want to continue his coaching sessions for another 15 weeks more as we want to continue him under guidance of Dr.smita, to make these temporary changes a habit and part of his personality.

      Dr. Munir & Dr. Seema
      Abu Dhabi