✓ Listens patiently to all that you want to talk about & share.
✓ Discusses & works with you to find solutions in areas you want to improve or grow.
✓ Equips you with tools to understand your true self, recognise your inner potential, values & strengths.
✓ Guides you step by step towards your dreams & goals.
✓ Supports you in staying on your path.
✓ Helps you stay motivated,
✓ Empathises with you in your stressful situations.
✓ Celebrates with you in your wins.
☞ Guides them to know - "Who they are”, by increasing their Self-awareness.
☞ Helps to create an opinion of themselves based on their Inner Qualities, Strengths, Beliefs, Values, Talents & Interests.
☞ The teens knows their positive qualities through the eyes of their family, friends & peers.
☞ Write a Powerful Personal statement "I am.." to inspire themselves to focus on becoming who they truly want to be.
☞ Actively listen to the teen's areas of stress of their body image.
☞ Allow them to vent out their feelings & frustrations to release their stress.
☞ Encourage them to become aware of what they really like about their body.
☞ Coach them with practical ways to improve their cellular health.
☞ Equip them to write "Positive Affirmations" about themselves.
☞ Raise self esteem by identifying their "Core Values".
☞ Coach them to be "Grateful" & "Believe they are Unique."
☞ Identify the key areas of stress in school & academics.
☞ Coach them how to handle & reduce stress with daily small steps.
☞ Give a system to organise & complete school work.
☞ Teach effective time management to plan studies & play hours in a day.
☞ Help them to get into a "Goal Getting" mindset.
☞ Support them by monitoring results & progress on a weekly basis.
☞ Celebrate with them their WIN's of the year.
☞ Let them reflect their "AWESOMENESS."
☞ Encourage teens to play outdoor games with friends, go for walks without their mobile phones or gadgets....
☞ Guide teen to identify effects of addiction of social media on their physical & psychological health.
☞ Brain storm ideas with teen & find creative solutions for reducing their screen time on all gadgets.
☞ Educate about the dangers of texting & driving or walking - to them & to other people on the road.
☞ If teen feels that social media is over stressing them, then help them with the process of Social media "DETOX" .
☞ Empower teens to let technology supplement their activities & not be their sole entertainment.
☞ Help them assess their knowledge of the effects of drugs & alcohol.
☞ Enquire deeper reasons why they want to or got addicted to drugs or alcohol.
☞ Communicate to them the risks involved in drunken driving.
☞ Equip them with the necessary tools to identify dangerous situations.
☞ Encourage them to be themselves & take smart & mature decisions that make them feel proud of themselves.
☞ Let them know, "they can come & share in any problem & they will be heard."
☞ "Support" them & "Direct" them to therapist or rehab centre, if they require de-addiction.
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